Expert speakers headline Employer Brand Management conference

Investing in a good employer brand means investing in a good reputation. That’s as important in regards to the internal audience, as it is to the external. A company’s employees are its brand ambassadors, they make up the personality of the internal culture and they set the tome for how the business is perceived by new recruits. Aligning all of those individual feelings and emotions under one employer brand is necessary to maintaining a positive reputation from the inside out.
At the Employer Brand Management conference, to be held on 12 December at the Royal Mint in London, brand managers, business leaders and reputation experts will come together to discuss the future of the employer brand.
Speaker at the event, Bonnie Friedner, employer brand and engagement consultant, Sky, says, “The advent of more and more digital tools and advancements of technology makes it easier and easier for people, or prospective candidates, to get in touch or come into contact with your employer brand. That’s why, more than ever we need to make sure that our employer brand is not only authentic but also consistent…I’m responsible for making sure that Sky stands out as an employer across multiple fields and that our employer brand is adaptable in order to attract a whole variety of people, from work experience students all the way through to experienced hire. I’m looking forward to sharing knowledge and best practice on the subject of the digital revolution and how employer brands evolve to suit the ever-changing market place”
Speakers include Bronek Masajada, CEO of Hiscox, Neil Daly, employer brand manager at EDF, Kevin McDougall, internal digital channels senior manager for TfL, Adam Proctor, digital media manager in the Royal Air Force and Nimai Swaroop, attraction and marketing director at Capita, among many others, will take the stage on 12 December. Sessions will cover the measurement of employer brand and the lessons learned through data, the digital impact on employer brand management, leadership and internal culture and building the brand for long-term growth.
Andrew Thomas, founder of Cravenhill Publishing, says, “Employer brand management isn’t only a human resources issue. It’s about aligning an organisation’s brand to manage the awareness and perceptions of employees, potential employees and related stakeholders, including customers. As the only global magazine to cover corporate brand development, Transform is in a unique position to focus on this subject. We are incredibly excited to gather together such an array of talented individuals experts to share their thoughts on this subject.”
The conference is being held in association with Communicate magazine. To book your place, click here. For more information email Jessica Crumbleholme or call +44 (0)20 7498 7008.