• Transform magazine
  • March 12, 2025


#TransformTuesday: 12 May

  • Alma_1_Europe-700x291.jpg
  • GFH_2_MENA-700x291.jpg
  • GroupeNorte_3_Europe-700x291.jpg
  • Microsoft_4_Europe-700x291.jpg
  • PerAquum_1_MENA-700x291.jpg
  • Renault_6_Europe-700x291.jpg
  • Sperry_7_NorthAmerica-700x291.jpg
  • Simris_8_Europe-700x291.jpg

Every week, Transform examines recent rebrands and updated visual identities. This week’s picks are below. For more from #TransformTuesday, follow @Transformsays

  1. Europe: Alma Media launched a new visual identity that unites the brand and reflects its strong focus on digital media
  2. MENA: Unisono’s rebrand of GFH, a Bahrain-based investment bank, gives the company a visual identity system that communicates a clear, direct service
  3. Europe: Futurebrand Madrid conducted the rebrand for this Spanish-based company that wanted its new brand to reflect the changes in the company since its inception
  4. Europe: Microsoft is hoping to compete with Safari and Chrome with its new web browser, Microsoft Edge. The new logo has a lot in common with the original Internet Explorer logo
  5. APAC: The literal translation of Per Aquum is ‘through water’, Minor Hotel Group (MHG) and Eight, a Hong Kong-based brand strategy and communications firm, created a new logo and identity inspired by the element of water
  6. Europe: Renault has altered its classic logo with the aim to modernise the brand. The new streamlined brand is in line with the automotive company’s latest models
  7. North America: A retailer known for its boat shoes aligns itself with an adventurous lifestyle
  8. Europe: Simris Alg is an Agri Business, it grows and harvest algae in Sweden. The new identity and packaging have been designed by Stockholm-based creative agency Snask.

Have a tip for next week’s #TransformTuesday? Send your suggestions here.