• Transform magazine
  • March 13, 2025


Cool, calm and connected

  • Mountainclimbing.jpg
  • Nexialogo.png

A simple yet creative concept is sometimes all that is needed to ensure a company resides comfortably in the top ten of its field. For Nexia International, its place in the top ten of the international accountancy network has been affirmed through its simple yet creative rebrand.

Nexia International is unique in that the company does not impose its brand upon member bodies, and does not deliver services in its own name. However, its audit, tax and accountancy service provision has generated an income fee of $3.1bn – while securing international projects for its many and varied members.

Through the expertise of London-based global brand consultancy Industry, the international company has foregone its out-dated and corporate look to forge a new identity.

This coincides with the company celebrating its 25th birthday, as although the Nexia brand underwent a slight reimagining in 2007, the logo had remained essentially identical to its 1991 inception.

Connectedness and trust are the overriding themes in Nexia International’s new visual identity, with the phrase ‘Closer to you’ at the heart of its brand image. An interpretation of the carabiners – equipment used by mountaineers to ensure safety at steep gradients - was also included by Industry to reinforce ideas of strength in the firm’s global relationships.

The new teal colour, replacing a previously cold cobalt blue, is at once friendly and unique, a shade chosen for its lack of current presence among accountancy group branding.

A mountain theme is also reflected by the positioning of the new logo, complementing the grey typeface and allowing for a clearer translation of the brand on smartphones, tablets, and in print.

Industry partner Sholto Lindsay-Smith, says, “Developing a clear market positioning for Nexia International was absolutely key. It has to be crystal clear what Nexia stands for going forward to ensure it presents a united set of values across its membership.

He says, “One of the biggest challenges was developing an identity that would work across an international network, alongside the individual brands of Nexia member firms, whilst still providing a powerful brand platform with a cohesive look and feel. The new brand has the flexibility to allow larger firms with established brands of their own to carry the Nexia brand endorsement while retaining their own identity. Other younger and smaller firms have the option of adopting the new Nexia brand in full.”