• Transform magazine
  • March 01, 2025


Round and round to the rhythm

  • Pulsin brownie Multipack closeup.jpg
  • Pulsin brownies 4.jpg
  • Pulsin brownie Multipack side closeup.jpg

Once, 'meat and two veg' was the main component of each meal. Now chia seeds and raw cacao is as likely to be in a kitchen cupboard as baked beans and custard. Many recipe books are the bastions of ‘raw’ products and non-synthetic ingredients; recipe creators and chefs champion the health benefits of foods which have experienced minimal processing. Natural premium product creator, Pulsin’, proves dancing to its own rhythm leads to a holistic and lifestyle-centred approach.

To celebrate 10 years of its popular all-natural snack products, healthy food product brand Pulsin’ has updated its visual identity and point-of-sale packaging. Enlisting the skill of Bath, UK-based brand, design and marketing consultancy, The Space Creative, the agency behind the recent Pukka tea rebrand, Pulsin’’s renewed visual offering aims to reflect the natural processes on which its products are based. It also creates disruption in a market sector experiencing ever-growing competition.

Creative director of The Space Creative, David Thomson, says, “Pulsin’’s products deliver sustained, balanced energy throughout the day and contain only natural ingredients and sugars avoiding the usual sugar highs and lows common with many other products in the sector.” To reflect this simplicity, a single phrase – ‘Embrace the natural rhythm of life’ – captures the natural nutritional balance of Pulsin’ products.

With the brand offerings including protein powders, natural bars and ‘raw’ brownies, its audience is as diverse as its ingredients. The needs of a market sector undergoing rapid maturation is thus also accounted for, as for both the Pulsin’ brand and audience, natural living lies not only in food. With lifestyle integral to ensure a sustainable approach to nutrition, the brand’s holistic embrace of wellness, encompassing natural cycles of life, is reflected through its updated design.

New packaging imagery, including depictions of the sun and moon, indicates the natural energy on which the brand is built. Thomson continues, “We have positioned the brand as an innovative, ethical creator of 100% natural products aimed at a growing audience of millennials who seek a more holistic approach to nutrition.”

Evocative imagery reflects the homophonic nature of ‘pulsing’ and ‘Pulsin’.’ What The Space Creative describes as ‘rhythmic roundels’ constitute the packaging’s leading visual identity, ensuring allusions to ‘energy’ and ‘nature’ on its packaging complements the design.

While its previous identity highlighted the product’s function, the Pulsin’ brand is now better placed to offer its consumers a rounded approach to wellbeing. Thomson ends, “The concentric circles of ingredient illustrations, and perpetual energy waves ‘pulsing’ out from a central circle containing the brand identity gives us a really simple device with which to communicate the product benefits. It hints at the geometry of nature as well as astral maps and ancient clocks.”

Managing director of Pulsin’, Simon Ashburner, says, “Throughout the project, [The Space Creative] delivered excellent design backed up by robust research on our company and marketplace.  I can’t wait to see the new packaging on the shelves.”

The Pulsin’ rebrand will begin its rollout during April 2017, including a showcase at the Natural & Organic Products Europe event. The Kensington High Street flagship Whole Foods store will also dedicate its window display to Pulsin’ during May.
