• Transform magazine
  • February 05, 2025


A beer that saves lives

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Non-profit organisations fighting for good causes help people in need daily. However, for charities to survive, they need to be inventive and imaginative in order to collect the funds they need.

For the Rak’n’Roll charity foundation, its objective is to improve the quality of life for cancer patients. Rak’n’Roll was established in October 2009 when Magda Prokopowicz, a former patient herself, decided to use her experience and knowledge to help patients in a similar situation.

Despite the charity’s determination and devotion to its cause, collecting enough funds to sustain itself has proven difficult. With donations being few and infrequent, Rak’n’Roll income saw a decrease of 20% in 2017.

Then, advertising agency Grey Poland worked together with a local brewery to create a new beer brand that could inspire donations in an original way. The brewery produced 1,500 bottles of beer, with €.50 of every bottle sold being donated to the foundation. Residual profits were spent on brewing the next batch of beer.

Furthermore, the beer name is the registered charity number, meaning that when added to a tax form, the donation will automatically be transferred to Rak’n’Roll. By doing this, the charity has managed to have already generated, before the end of the tax year, 50% more tax-based donations, compared to those of 2017.

Despite Grey Poland being the main creative partner, Shootme, Wołowski & Partners Studio, IndaHash, Lettly and MediaCom also took part in the campaign, supporting the charity.

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