• Transform magazine
  • March 09, 2025


College Confidential caters to 21st century students

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For students, making a decision about the future of their education can be a daunting task. Choosing the correct school can change a student’s life, however the choice is often overwhelming.

One of the most popular college admissions counselling companies in the US, College Confidential, has rebranded, changing its outdated appearance to appeal to today’s students.

The visual identity has been modernised, sporting a minimalist, clean and simple look that is trendy and popular among users. Founded in 2001, the logo’s previous fonts carried a ‘90s aesthetic that College Confidential’s young audience couldn’t relate with. Now, the blocky fonts have been swapped for a simpler, thinner font. The colour palette no longer includes the red but instead uses a gold colour.

On the brand’s website, the content has been separated into three simple categories, ‘Forums,’ ‘Schools’ and ‘Articles,’ making navigation quick and easy. The forum has remained the same, while the ‘Articles’ section has replaced the ‘Read and Learn’ one that was previously featured and now offers a wider range of content with categories such as ‘Test Prep’ and ‘Admissions.’

Along with the expansion of its content, College Confidential has also expanded its team with the hire of subject matter experts who look to ensure that all users, no matter what they’re looking for, have content that fits their needs.

The revamped look and feel of College Confidential gives users the opportunity to make an educated decision in the most efficient and simple way.

The rebrand is not limited to the brand’s visual identity, but expands across College Confidential’s content, search tool and platform. The updated brand offers user-friendly tools that offer easier access to information and an altogether better browsing experience.

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