• Transform magazine
  • March 12, 2025


Preview: the International Place Branding Event Liverpool 2018

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On 31 May, the maritime city of Liverpool plays host to a place branding conference like no other. Emphasising how successful place brand strategy is ‘not about the logo,’ the International Place Branding Event Liverpool 2018 welcomes place branding and destination marketing experts to discuss how urbanism continues to contribute to the global place brand debate

Hosted by global cloud-based marketing agency UP THERE, EVERYWHERE (UP), the focus on cities is apt given Liverpool’s year-long stint as European Capital of Culture in 2008. Following the ruling that UK cities are no longer eligible to be awarded the honour following Brexit, the International Place Branding Event Liverpool 2018, named ‘Place Branding? It's not about the logo’ will nevertheless celebrate how the Capital of Culture accolade has benefitted Liverpool and its residents.

“Place branding has been extremely important here in Liverpool, and has helped us to build a real legacy off the back of a successful 2008,” says Chris Brown, director of Marketing Liverpool.

“In an increasingly complex environment, destinations can’t rely on just having a nice logo or a catchy slogan; the destinations which understand this are often the ones which lead rankings for desirability amongst visitors and satisfaction of their residents. It’s an industry which tends to provoke strong views and we don’t expect everyone to agree with each other, so we’re looking forward to hosting a punchy, fascinating couple of days.”

CEO of UP, Julian Stubbs, says, “Can cities and places be marketed like regular brands? We’ll hear the views on that question and more from some of the leading European cities and practitioners.” This year’s speakers include place brand professionals working across Amsterdam, Barcelona, Hamburg, Rotterdam, London, Stockholm and Liverpool, and Ritula Shah, award-winning BBC journalist and broadcaster. The moderator is Maddy Savage.

‘Place Branding? It's not about the logo’ takes place 31 May – 1 June 2018 at the Titanic Hotel, Liverpool, starting with a welcome reception at 5pm on Thursday. Billed as a ‘TED-style forum with plenty of opportunity for discussion,’ the conference will attract around 200 attendees and is aimed at private and public professionals working with place and destination branding, marketing and communications.

UP has also launched a podcast, to coincide with the International Place Branding Event Liverpool 2018. Focusing on international place branding case studies, destination marketing and featuring influential speakers in the field of place branding, the podcast is presented by Up There Everywhere CEO, Julian Stubbs.

Guests so far include Milton Glaser, the designer of the 'I heart New York' slogan, Julia Lennon, half-sister of John Lennon, and Rich Doucette, a former advertising executive in charge of marketing the US state of Massachusetts.

Register for ‘Place Branding? It's not about the logo’ on the UP website.

Read Transform magazine’s latest cover story on place branding.

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Chris Brown, director of Marketing Liverpool
