Rebrand captures the spirit of Palmers 44 Dry Gin
Gin has had a resurgence in popularity lately, meaning competition has increased, making it harder to stand out. For companies to stay relevant, it is necessary to reinvent themselves and rely on their brand’s heritage, story and packaging.
Family owned distillery WH Palmer has appointed London-based branding and design consultancy Nude Brand Creation for the repackaging of its Palmers 44 Gin. The rebrand coincides with the distillery’s 200-year anniversary. The sophisticated design of the new packaging succeeds in standing out against its competitors.
Bernard Gormley, partner at Nude Brand Creation says, “The gin category is currently exploding with new launches every week. There are some eye-catching designs within the category, but not a great deal of restraint. This design will cut through the noise with its simplicity and elegance. When you have a family with such heritage in gin distilling, they don’t need a design which shouts, but a design that communicates their confidence.”
Nude Brand Creation took inspiration from the 1920s and Palmer family’s heritage, especially Angela Palmer, an elegant leading woman figure of the family with a love of adventure. The packaging’s design reflects Angela Palmer’s lust for life, as well as the aesthetic of the ‘50s and ‘60s.
Tony Enoch, Partner at Nude Brand Creation, says, “We wanted the final presentation to be a tribute to Angela, a stylish and elegant woman who loved Chanel and regularly flew to New York by Concord. The monochromatic and stylised label echoes the art deco era and creates the look and feel of a premium fragrance, while the detailing of the central diamond icon conceals a woman’s figure – capturing her spirit as a shining light in the Palmers family.”
The new packaging sports a textured label with gloss varnish and embossing on the black text in an Art Deco-inspired typeface. At the bottom of the label, an illustration of the Langley Distillery’s copper pot named after Angela, which dates back to 1903 and is still used for the production of the gin, is displayed.
Despite the Palmer family’s 200-year old history of distilling spirits, with gin being the main one since the 1920s, Palmers 44 gin is the only brand produced directly from its Langley Distillery in the Midlands.
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