• Transform magazine
  • March 13, 2025


The evolution of Crumpler


Originated in Melbourne, Crumpler gained popularity in the mid-90s with its bags and logo being the most accurate representation of the 90s aesthetic, sporting bright colours and clever designs. In 2018, the company decided to revamp the visual identity of the brand and update it in a way that it would not offend those emotionally attached with the 90s nostalgia, but would also revitalise the brand’s image and allow it to keep up with the times.

It is understandable that between 1995, when Crumpler was established, and 2018, not only the world has changed, but the brand’s tastes and style as well. The rebrand of the company’s logo therefore doesn’t come as a surprise, as the transition from the analogue world to the digital age is imperative to any company that desires to stay relevant. CEO Adam Wilkinson says, “As times have changed, and the world has become more connected, our customers have evolved too, and it was time to honour the brand with a refresh and to bring the Crumpler man into the 21st century.” The designers of the new logo have consequently made it a lot more digitally friendly, resulting in better on-screen translation and readability on social media platforms, including Twitter and Instagram icons.

The design of the logo is noticeably different. He’s dropped the dreadlocks for a stylish buzz cut and replaced the outdated slip-on shoes for a lacey pair, but doesn’t lack its previous playfulness. When the old logo was inspired by the animated street art and the cycle courier cultures, the new logo, considering the company’s expansions to the global market, tries to approach the internet community and culture, appealing to broadened audience and their daily lives. In the words of head of design Valeria Fioretti, “Although the new designs do seem to look drastically different to the classic Crumpler, our approach and sensibility to function being fused and enabled through a stylised and at times quirky design remain.”

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