• Transform magazine
  • February 23, 2025


Cancer Research UK launches new 'Pledge' campaign

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Cancer is a word that carries with it the connotations of pain, suffering, loss and fear. Millions of people have succumbed to its deadly effects, and millions more are without a loved one because of it. Thus, medical institutions across the globe are working tirelessly to discover a cure which will eliminate this disease’s devastating effects once and for all.

Cancer Research UK (CRUK) is one of the cancer research and awareness charities working to ensure the horrible disease responsible for millions of deaths is defeated. The group has collaborated with independent creative agency Atomic London to launch a new campaign, ‘Pledge,’ to underscore the importance of and encourage legacy giving towards cancer. Legacy giving is one of the essential catalysts to CRUK’s operations, as it funds a third of the charity’s work in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer.  

Atomic’s new film uses poignancy as its cornerstone, as it features various UK legacy supporters, researchers and cancer survivors, all of whom are connected personally with the battle against the disease and understand fully the extent of its consequences. The constituents pledge to donate to CRUK’s legacy fund, and then explain why donating to CRUK was an important decision, all while staring directly into the camera. This elicits a sense of urgency in the viewer and serves to remind the viewer of the obligation to help our fellow humans, even if cancer has not had a direct impact on the viewer’s life.

Some emotional advertisements can unintentionally come across as facetious, but this advertisement avoids this fate with the authenticity of the individuals in it. Claire Pilcher, head of legacy support at CRUK, says, “The advert features real people who are making an invaluable contribution to the cause. They are completely unscripted, and the words used in the adverts are their own. We hope to show through this that leaving a gift in your will to Cancer Research UK is a powerful legacy that we can all leave, that will benefit every generation to come.”