Deliveroo launches pronouns rider bags for World Pride Month

To celebrate Pride Month, food-delivery company Deliveroo has brought back its 'Deloveroo' initiative with a strengthened focus on inclusivity and representation. With this comes new bags featuring pronouns and flags designed by Daniel Quasar, the graphic designer who reinterpreted the LGBT Rainbow Flag.
2,500 UK riders will have the option to feature flags on bags representing the LGBTQI+ community, featuring designs by Daniel Quasar including the intersex, pansexual, asexual and collective progressive pride flag. The design will include rider pronouns with a “Pronouns Matter” statement that Deliveroo drivers can add to their bags and wear when riding through cities across the UK.
“Deliveroo is a proud ally of the LGBTTQQIAAP community. Pride 2021 is about embracing inclusivity and we are delighted to give our Deliveroo riders the opportunity to take to the streets with bags displaying Pride flags in a show of support for the community,” says Hadi Moussa, chief business officer at Deliveroo,
To help continue the Pride Month celebrations online, Deliveroo will also be reskinning it's app with their Deloveroo redesign. The brand has also launched its School of Allies initiative online to promote better inclusion, support and awareness of the issues facing queer people in the UK.
A mini curriculum will also be provided for potential allies to help foster positive emotional and mental wellbeing for their LGBTTQQIAAP friends, family and colleagues and to spotlight helpful resources.
Deliveroo will be working alongside LGBT Switchboard and Helsa Helps as part of its ongoing commitment to Pride.