• Transform magazine
  • March 10, 2025


krow East develops identity for new LRQA brand

11273 01 KX Site 408X408 LRQA Logo

Branding agency, krow East, developed the brand identity for newly launched global assurance provider, LRQA, which was previously a branch of Lloyd’s Register.

The team at krow East was tasked with creating the brand from the bottom up, including brand narrative, values and tone of voice.  

The first part of the rebrand included one-to-one interviews and focus groups with colleagues and clients across the business to understand how people felt about the brand. krow East focused on ensuring LRQA employees had an input in the process and that the newly formed brand identity would unite the organisation and instil pride amongst the staff.

The new visual identity aims to tap into the assurance LRQA inspires in its audience, embodied their digital ambition. The ‘tick’ device seeks to give the brand a memorable marque.

Externally, krow East aimed to deliver LRQA with a flexible yet consistent identity to disrupt the ‘sea-of-same’ in the sector and communicate the brand’s offering on a human level.