Lendinghome rebrands to Kiavi

American real estate investors (REIs) lender, LendingHome, worked with B2B branding agency, BrandingBusiness, to develop a new identity for the company, which officially rebranded to Kiavi, as part of a larger strategic initiative.
The new name comes from the phonetic representation of ‘chiave,’ the Italian word for key, which embodies the company’s commitment to help real estate investors realise the full potential of their strategies and make informed decisions. As Kiavi, the company plans to continue and expand its support of real estate investors to help them explore the value of America's aged homes. The new name also reflects the growth the company has undergone.
Under the Kiavi brand, the company will adopt the motto, Speed to close. Power to scale,’ which defines the company’s commitment to supplying investors with what they need most. Speed, in fact, is key to real estate investing, not only when it comes to acquiring a loan, whilst power to scale refers to the company’s technology platform, which investors can depend on to grow their business.
The logo developed by BrandingBusiness has a dual representation. The upward-pointing arrow-like shape aims to convey optimism whilst also suggesting the outline of a building, therefore cementing Kiavi in its industry. On the other hand, an open door is suggested within the shape, seeking to communicate openness and the opportunity to monetise value through the brand.
“Within the logo, Grey was chosen a soothing foundational colors, while the positive, brightness of the Kiavi “Seafoam Green” was designed to deliver a feeling that is modern, dynamic and totally unexpected in the industry. It conveys that something fresh and new was happening in an industry of competitors that suffer from sameness,” says Michael Dula, founding partner at BrandingBusiness.
“The result [of the rebrand] is a fresh, new brand in what is a staid industry, one that says to its customers, “welcome to a new opportunity,” Dula adds.