• Transform magazine
  • March 16, 2025


Offthetopofmyhead rebrands Ymchwil Canser Cymru, Cancer Research Wales

Cancer Research Wales 1

Design agency, Offthetopofmyhead, worked with independent Welsh charity, Cancer Research Wales, to develop a new purpose, mission, brand narrative and visual identity.


As it emerged from Covid-19, Cancer Research Wales found it important to increase its profile and influence in Wales to raise more money and fund more research.

“With a low awareness rating we had to raise our game. A strong brand is vital to us, especially with the confusion people have that we are the Welsh arm of Cancer Research UK We now have our own identity which clearly states that we are an independent, proud Welsh charity,” says Ann Tate, Cancer Research Wales’ chief executive.

Cancer Research Wales’ brand identity is inspired by the DNA sequencing gels that researchers use to determine where genetic mistakes have occurred. Similarly, the colours of the brand gels took inspiration from the dyes of DNA gels, which are artificially dyed in labs to ease interpretation.

The brand gel can be extended and repeated, forming a graphic pattern which was rolled out across the brand’s printed and digital assets, including stationery, research information, fundraising collateral and social media.

The brand gel also makes up the primary element of the logo, in addition to the charity’s bilingual name, Ymchwil Canser Cymru in Welsh. The name includes the uncial-style letter which was inspired by Wales’ typographic heritage.
