Transform to recognise Young Contenders in European brand industry for fourth year

Transform's Young Contenders Europe recognises those making an outstanding contribution to the industry. Identifying the next generation of strategic, creative and innovative brand specialists, the awards will celebrate those who show the most promise as young professionals.
Now in its fourth year, the awards programme identifies and honours the emerging talent in the European branding industry across the strategic and creative disciplines. Last year’s event recognised 6 Young Contenders who are making a considerable impact on the way their companies or agencies approach brand development.
Last year’s judging panel – which was comprised of design VP's, brand consultants and creative directors from the likes of PepsiCo, Siegel+Gale and PIN Creative – recognised two ‘Young contenders of the year.’ Josie Evans, senior designer at IE Brand & IE Digital, won ‘Creative young contender of the year,’ while Marijn Roozemond, senior creative strategist at MassiveMusic, took home the ‘Strategic young contender of the year.’
Talent attraction is expected to be one of the biggest challenges for design agencies next year. Getting your staff included amongst the Young Contenders for 2022 highlights the efforts your agency is prepared to put into staff development.
This year, entries are being accepted into the Transform's Young Contenders Awards Europe until 14 January 2022.
All nominees must be aged 30 years or under on 31 December 2021. Nominations can be made by the prospective Young contender themselves or by a supervisor or colleague. Entries are accepted from organisations or individuals based in European countries only. More more information on the entry process can be found here.