• Transform magazine
  • March 09, 2025


ThoughtMatter develops new identity for women-focused NFT organisation

EX 1903 P5 PR Colorsystem

New York-based brand design studio, ThoughtMatter, worked with World of Women, a women-focused non-fungible tokens (NFT) organisation, to develop a new identity and website that embodies the brand’s mission of inclusivity.


World of Women (WoW) was born to counter the inequity in the NFT market. Studies have shown that men are twice as likely to invest in cryptocurrency than women, who only make up for 16% of the market. WoW is composed of 10,000 unique female portraits, or tokens, generally based off founder Yam Karkai’s artwork. Each portrait aims to celebrate diversity, resulting in 11 different traits and 189 total attributes.

ThoughtMatter was tasked with creating a brand that would capture the diversity of the women portraits in a way that would draw more women to the cause. The aim was to bring more diverse perspectives to the NFT space.

Managing director of ThoughtMatter, Jessie McGuire, says, “This is all new territory, which is incredibly exciting. For the entirety of modern branding, brand has been defined as an intangible. But with web3 and general purpose technologies like NFTs as a backbone, brand can now be qualified and collectively owned by a community that has a vested interest in its success.”

ThoughtMatter viewed each NFT as a building block, and a small piece of a larger whole. This reflects how WoW’s community and token holders work together to create a more inclusive digital art future. To bring this idea to life, ThoughtMatter designed an identity built on a foundation of block-based grids. These feature the WoW acronym, with a prismatic palette and an ‘O’ that can function as a frame or portal to host the NFT portraits.

The block-based grid approach guided everything from the WoW logo, which is centred around the NFTs and Karkay’s artwork colours, to a range of visuals across different brand touchpoints. The new brand identity, which was applied on the newly organised website, aims to communicate WoW’s commitment to its mission whilst also showcasing the importance of its community.

"We wanted to plan a system that allowed for exponential growth, be it other collections, new partnerships and collaborations, or for more community involvement and representation,” says McGuire.

“Through design, we’re able to visually communicate the vastness of WoW. Too often are NFT projects focused on exclusivity. This is something more inspiring and centred around community, just as much as it’s centred around NFTs,” she adds.
