• Transform magazine
  • July 27, 2024


Emily Andrews

Spotlight on Avianca

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Latin American flag-bearers Avianca and Taca merged, prompting a need to redefine brand strategy. Emily Andrews takes to the skies with the airlines Take one large, C...

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Brand champions in Europe

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Prestigious awards ceremonies provide brands and agencies with a way to reward their teams and showcase outstanding work. Transform Awards Europe, the leading awards...

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Wild intentions


The Zoological Society of London (ZSL), the parent brand for ZSL London Zoo and ZSL Whipsnade Zoo, has undergone a rebrand that it hopes will position it better as the global conservation charity that it is....

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Brand engagement from within

Focusing solely on external brand communications and ignoring internal engagement is a half-baked solution that can lead to unengaged staff who fail to deliver on brand promises, which consequently impacts upon custom...

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Not just tech


The technology sector has changed from something that was quite grey and inaccessible to something that is now an inseparable aspect of everyday life, particularly among the younger generations....

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Sporting Romania

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In the run-up to the Rio 2016 Olympic Games, Brandient gained responsibility for a significant proportion of Romania’s national brand when it was chosen to create a visual identity for Romanian sporting institution, t...

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A new House

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In accordance with its ongoing CSR policy, UK-based Brand Union took part in a pro-bono project for local charity, The Parent House. By creating a new brand for the c...

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Social brand promoters


Brand promoters on social media are more common in developing countries, such as India and Brazil, shows research by online survey company, SurveyMonkey, and global marketing communications company, Ogilvy....

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#TransformTuesday: 7 July

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Every week, Transform examines recent rebrands and updated visual identities. This week’s picks are below. For more from #TransformTuesday, follow @Transformsays The...

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Putting the V in Voluntary


The UK not-for-profit sector’s governing body, the National Council of Voluntary Organisations (NCVO), is repositioning itself as an icon for the voluntary sector with a brand that measures up to those of the big char...

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