• Transform magazine
  • September 01, 2024


Liam DeStefano

Havas Media study determines world's most meaningful brands


If 77% of all brands disappeared tomorrow, people would be indifferent. However, 76% of people believe brands to be essential to their livelihoods, at least in some capacity....

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Cowan partners with Jack's to deliver 90 new packaging designs


Gaining a foothold in an established industry is almost always difficult, but with the backing of both its parent brand’s experience and its design agency’s palette, the UK’s new supermarket offer Jack’s appears ready...

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Billson's works with Cowan to begin brand rejuvenation


Billson’s Brewery, one of Australia’s oldest beverage manufacturers, has been making drinks from the nearby alpine spring water since 1865. Now, the company is rejuvenating its products for a 21st century market....

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Mastercard launches its own sonic brand

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Brand development, or the promise to deliver a quality product over time to the consumer, is the cornerstone of any business. A select few corporations, such as Apple, McDonalds and Nike have developed their brand to...

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Azerbaijan tourism board sets sights on doubling visitors in five years

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For many countries, tourism is an essential industry, driving economies and supplying revenue and jobs for thousands of its inhabitants. Azerbaijan, which was formerly a part of the enormous Soviet Union, has recently...

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Review site Dorsia positions itself as the anti-Yelp


The fatal flaw in conducting research through a survey is that respondents will almost always respond only in extremes. While it can be efficient to use Yelp for finding a bite to eat or TripAdvisor for stopping by a...

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