• Transform magazine
  • July 16, 2024


Martin Forbes Laurenson

Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games launches its brand identity 

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To mark the milestone of three years to go until the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games, the organising committee has unveiled its new advertising campaign, motto and logo. Hosting an international sports event such a...

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UK health group consolidates its brand

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A top UK healthcare provider has this month announced the rebrand and the merger of three UK healthcare providers into one: the Vita Health Group. The brand has been constructed to combine the vigor and skill of each...

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A new visual operating system for the House of Commons.

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It’s a time when the UK’s House of Commons needs to communicate its work in a better way, as the house’s difficulty to find common ground on Brexit generated criticism of representative democracy....

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BSA’s rebrand gives stammerers a voice

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Stammering - or stuttering - is a relatively common speech problem characterised by unintentional repetitions and extensions of sounds, syllables, and silent pauses. It currently concerns about 700.000 people in the U...

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