• Transform magazine
  • March 03, 2025


North America

Entry process

Before completing the online entry form, you will need to have a single PDF document prepared for each of your entries (maximum 10MB for each entry). In order to impress our judges and create an entry worthy of success, make sure to cover all of the four steps listed below.

Struggling to craft the content, layout, and design of your entry? Download the entry and information guide to help you decide what to include and how to shape your submission.



Provide a short 300-word summary of the project that you are entering. The summary is used to brief the judges on your work, so make sure it is informative but concise!

 The summary should include:

  • Details of the category you are entering into*
  • A synopsis of the work involved in completing the project
  • The project's relevance to the category it is being entered into

If you feel your work is a perfect candidate and strong contender for more than one category, the summary should be tailored accordingly. 



Write a project summary statement of no more than 800-words. The most successful entries relate their results back to the original objectives.

This statement should cover the following five sections; industry context, challenge, strategy, creativity and result:

  • Industry context - Describe the market or industry context and where your brand/organization fits into the given environment
  • Challenge - What prompted this brand work? What brief and criteria did it need to fill? What other factors and issues that led to it? What are the other factors and issues that led to it? What were the objectives for the project?
  • Strategy - Explain the strategy driving the branding solution. Where did the idea/concept come from? Who or what was the target audience? What research did you conduct and incorporate? What led to this approach?
  • Creativity - How was the work innovative? Did it trigger a reaction from the target audience?
  • Result - How did the results meet the goals? What was the outcome? How did the outcome live up to the idea? Were there quantifiable results and were there any anecdotal results?



Supporting materials may be included to help the judges evaluate your entry. While supporting material is not compulsory, if utilized effectively it can really enhance your work to the judges.

Supporting material includes:

  • Reviews
  • Media coverage
  • Additional information about your entry, organization, project credits or third-party organizations that contributed
  • Additional images (up to three pages, but can be integrated within your entry)
  • If possible, please provide a link to view the video content online. Please note, videos that exceed the recommended length of three minutes may not be viewed in their entirety



You can supply up to three relevant URLs. Please provide passwords where access to links is restricted.

Please note that the organizers cannot be held liable to changes in entrants’ site architecture or changes that may take place between submission and judging.


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State why the candidate should be awarded Brand strategist/Creative director/Young contender of the year.

If you are applying on behalf of a candidate, state why you are proposing this person. Why do they/you deserve to be announced as a winner? (200 words)

Please outline key achievements that will help you or the person you’re proposing stand out against their peers. The judges will want to know how you/they have gone about your achievements. (200 words)

Please include any key endorsements or statements from clients or colleagues. Please note that we may use these comments in the winners’ supplement. (Maximum 400 words)

What do you think you (or the candidate proposed) would gain from being awarded a Transform special recognition award? (200 words)

What do you or does the candidate want to achieve in the future? Personal or career goals? (200 words)



Please include a description of a project or evidence of your/their excellence written either as a short 200-word case study or submitted as supplementary material (i.e., imagery)


Please email Gemma at gcadden@transformmagazine.net or Becky at bstratton@transformmagazine.net. For all queries you can also call the office on +44 (0)20 3950 5356 and ask for the respective contact.  

Need help with creating your awards entry? Our supporting partner, Boost Awards can help with just that. Find out how their team of awards experts can help here.


We have a number of sponsorship options available. For more information please email Andrew Thomas at athomas@transformmagazine.net or call the office on +44 (0)20 3950 5356.

Supporting Partners

We'd love to hear from you! Email Finley Chesson at finley.chesson@cravenhillpublishing.com or call the office on +44 (0)20 3950 5356.