• Transform magazine
  • March 06, 2025


Middle East Brand Summit 2020, a Transform magazine online conference


Middle East Brand Summit 2020

On 20 April, the Middle East Brand Summit 2020 will explore the transformative power of brand strategy and design in a changing world. Join us for thought-provoking content and discussion. We will feature speakers from Google, National Bank of Kuwait, Saudi Aramco, the National and others. Free to attend, register now!

The Middle East Brand Summit 2020, a Transform magazine online conference, brings delegates informative and inspiring speakers covering all facets of branding and brand marketing. Join Transform magazine for sessions covering the transformative power of brand strategy and design in a changing world.

We are living in challenging times. How brands cope, behave and react to those challenges, now and over the next year, may determine not only their long term growth but their very survival.

Despite these being unprecedented times, some of those challenges aren’t, in themselves, unprecedented. Over the past twenty years media brands had to focus on an enforced migration to digital consumption. Other brands have had to totally reengineer their brand architecture as sudden changes in demographics meant their own view of their brand touchpoints was now no longer relevant. Many brands have already had to reinvent themselves as a result of difficulties thrown in their path.

Transform Magazine Middle East Brand Summit will address all these issues head on.  

The online event is filled with fascinating content including topics such as 'Brand experience in a post Covid-19 world,' 'What can mainstream brands learn from mainstream media,' 'Creative briefs: Data visualisation' and more. You can download a detailed programme of the conference here

The program isn’t all about Covid19. Far from it - this is not a Covid19 response agenda. Most, but not all, of the sessions would appeal in a Transform conference set a year ago or a year from now. We want the conference to work across all levels. But all of the sessions will have takeaways that will help your brand with the challenges that lie ahead. 

There is no charge for the Middle East Brand Summit. We know that some organisations and individuals that will benefit the most from this conference have freezes on expenditure.

However, we think it’s a fabulous conference program. If you agree and want to support the conference please feel free to make a donation when registering here.


When & where


Date: Monday 20 April

Times: 09:30 - 15:30 GST/DXB

Venue: Online conference, register to attend here


If you are interested in sponsoring and showcasing your brand at the Middle East Brand Summit please email athomas@transformmagazine.net.

Bespoke packages are available. 

Supporting Partners

If you are interested in being a supporting partner or would like to cover the Middle East Brand Summit please email lditcher@transformmagazine.net