• Transform magazine
  • September 01, 2024


Transform Live North America 2024

New York,

Transform Live North America 2024

Transform Live North America 2024


Pedro Alves
Vice president, global communications

Pedro Alves has 18 years of experience in Communication and Marketing, specializing in B2B companies. Currently, he leads Global Communication for the Technology organization at Mastercard based in New York. Since 2017, he began as Director of Communication for Brazil and the Southern Cone, where he integrated Communication with Marketing. During his tenure in Brazil, he founded the Pride BRG, a business resource group dedicated to LGBTQ+ inclusion.

Previously, he was responsible for digital marketing and advertising at GE in Latin America. In 2016, Pedro led GE's activation sponsorship for the Rio 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Pedro started his corporate communication career in 2006 at companies such as Cadbury Adams, Suzano Holding, Duke Energy, LVBA, and Ateliê de Eventos. He holds a degree in Public Relations from Faculdade Cásper Líbero and an Executive MBA from Fundação Dom Cabral from Brazil. Pedro has been recognized as a top communication professional in Brazil by PR SCOPE, Mega Brasil, Conrerp, and globally Pride in PR by PRWeek and Transform Awards. He was also a TEDx speaker.


Jordan Bell
Type designer

Jordan Bell is a letterer and type designer at Monotype. He is fascinated by handwriting and its effect on modern type design as well as early American typefounding. Originally from Texas, Jordan received a BFA from Abilene Christian University and then worked as a graphic designer in Santa Fe, NM before attending the MATD program at University of Reading in the UK to further his knowledge in design history, graphic communication, and typeface design.

Prior to joining Monotype, Jordan worked on a variety of projects at Hoefler&Co. including Operator, Inkwell, and Decimal, which was featured in the Netflix series “Abstract” and used throughout President Biden’s campaign. Other projects he has enjoyed contributing to include Archer, Ringside, and Sentinel Pro.

Jordan currently resides in Brooklyn where you can find him riding his bike, eating tacos, or walking his dog in the park.

Damien Collot
Creative type director

Rachel Darivoff
Strategy director
Design Bridge and Partners

Since a young age, Rachel’s favorite question has been “why.” Her second favorite question is “what’s for dessert?” But really, Rachel just likes questions. Driven by this curiosity, her career has spanned categories and strategic disciplines, but she’s always returned to what she loves most: getting to ask the big questions that define brand positioning, purpose and identity. Helping tech innovators, CPGs, and non-profits uncover who they are and what they stand for. Working at the intersection of brand and business to crystallize the true value clients offer to those they serve – and bring it to life.

She brings her passion for sustainability to every project, finding opportunities to open minds through conversation and helping brands of all backgrounds be a force for good in the world.

Lucy Fielding
Vice president, global brand strategy and design

Lucy's bio to be confirmed...

Shana Glenzer
Head of marketing

As the Head of Marketing at Oleria, a company reimagining identity security, Shana Glenzer is responsible for developing and accelerating the company’s marketing strategy – including creating problem awareness and establishing brand trust.

Previously, Shana was VP of Marketing at Diligent, a modern governance company and served as the CMO of several startups in emerging industries. A technology community leader, Shana founded DCFemTech and led DC Tech Meetup, while also serving as a go-to technology commentator for broadcast networks including Fox Business, Cheddar, and Yahoo Finance.

Eric Jackson
Naming director

Eric excels in crafting brand names and naming systems that work hard. At Lexicon, he conducted linguistic research and developed names for major clients like Facebook, Coca-Cola, P&G, Clorox, and Abbott. As Strategy Director at Salt Branding, he created naming solutions for Lumen, SurveyMonkey, JLL, HCA Healthcare, and Western Union. Now, at Northbound, he leads creative naming projects and develops naming systems for complex portfolio brands like Microsoft and Cisco. Eric holds an M.A. in linguistics from Boston College and a B.A. in philosophy and theology. In his free time, he enjoys his church community, birdwatching, and playing tabletop games.


Emily Kircher
Chief marketing officer

Emily is a Partner and the Chief Marketing Officer for HLK, an independent brand agency based in St. Louis, Missouri. In the last seven years with the agency Emily has built up the brand strategy and research disciplines for the agency, leading to multiple brand development projects across clients such as Bayer, Envu, Centene, &Partners and more. She served as the executive lead for Envu as the team went through brand positioning, identity development and launch, leading to three Transform Awards last year. 

Gayle Lunn
Rebelles Strategy & Research

Co-founder of Rebelles Strategy & Research, Gayle channels her client and agency experience to transform insights into new and useful ideas. Gayle has influenced national brand and program development as a VP of Qualitative Research at Ipsos, and through strategic roles at digital and creative agencies including Cossette, Dashboard and Rethink. As a trained musician, Gayle has contributed as a teaching assistant with Berklee Online and held several board positions with local arts organizations. She will happily engage in a spontaneous round of Name that Tune… any time, any place.

Bekah Mahan
Head of brand strategy and campaigns

With 20+ years of experience in marketing and brand development, Bekah is a brand leader who brings a passion for people, collaboration and purposeful work to her role as Head of Brand Strategy at Envu. She is a proven leader in branding, corporate and executive communications, digital communications, and change management, including divestment & acquisitions. Most recently she led the global corporate brand identity, positioning and marketing strategy for Envu as the company navigated divestment and was launched as a stand alone company. 


Samantha Temple Neukom
CEO and co-founder

Marco Vitali
Founder and managing partner
Sonic Lens Agency

Marco Vitali's journey to the forefront of audio branding began as a child prodigy violinist at Juilliard, complimented by an analytical detour on Wall Street earning dual MBAs, then returning to music where he was mentored by super-producer Nile Rodgers and collaborated with Grammy artists like Wu-Tang and Quincy Jones. After running several music agencies, he launched Sonic Lens to introduce a fresh approach to sonic branding guided by “music intelligence.” This mix of science and creative processes earned him back-to-back “Brand Strategist of the Year” and “Creative Director of the Year” Transform Awards in addition to consistent gold industry awards since launching Sonic Lens.

Jesse Yuen
Managing director of culture to brand
ATB Financial

Jesse Yuen is the Managing Director of Culture to Brand—the team responsible for aligning cultural building initiatives with brand goals at ATB, an Alberta based regional financial institution. Beginning his marketing career in telecommunications in 1994, Jesse joined ATB in 2010. Since 2015, he’s led a variety of brand teams and initiatives, most notably co-leading the development of ATB’s differentiated experience (brand) model. He has completed 11 marathon races and is the proud guardian of @K9Kasper. A coffee enthusiast, Jesse dreams of retiring to run a dog-friendly coffee shop, offering tasty treats for both humans and canines.

When & where

Date: October 3, 2024

Timings: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM 

Venue: The Edison Ballroom, 240 W 47th St, New York, NY 10036, United States





If you are interested in the wonderful opportunity to sponsor and showcase your brand at Transform Live North America 2024, please email Finley at finley.chesson@cravenhillpublishing.com.

Bespoke packages are available. 

Supporting Partners

If you are interested in being a supporting partner, or would like to cover Transform Live North America 2024, please email Finley at finley.chesson@cravenhillpublishing.com