• Transform magazine
  • July 18, 2024



Photo finish for sports media rebrand


Since it was founded in 2007, Bleacher Report has become the go-to site for sports fans and writers. It curates content across sport and news in the UK and US. Its initial brand focused on the initials ‘B’ and ‘R,’ se...

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Food, glorious food


With pictures of handcrafted dishes and almost art-worthy plates of food, the Galloping Gourmet’s website is a wealth of colour and taste. The new brand ensures the food and drink the caterer provides is highlighted a...

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Glassdoor rebrand brings human side to job hunting

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Before the digital age, job hunting meant flicking through pages at the back of the local newspaper to find employment opportunities. How employers looked after their employees was usually confined the workplace; new...

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#TransformTuesday: 2 May

Every week, Transform examines recent rebrands and updated visual identities. This week's picks are below. For more from #TransformTuesday, follow @Transformsays...

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Five minutes with Penny Wilson

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In an age where social media output can make or break brand reputation, the ability to personalise digital output is a key brand touchpoint. Penny Wilson, chief marketing officer at Hootsuite, discusses the importance...

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Opinion: Who needs signs?

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I have spent my life working out how to get people where they need to go. Wayfinding is the current name for it. (Although I think ‘wayshowing’ is a better description.) Signs can often be a blight; a hindrance rather...

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Opinion: Do brands understand the value of customer experience?


Due to significant changes in the world of communications, brand experience has never been more important. Digital usage has matured, customer experience is acknowledged as sitting at the heart of many platforms, and...

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Opinion: Why use brand thinking in a digital world?


The branding industry has long been talking about brand ‘being a two-way communication.’ This is completely true, but the essence of brand remains the same – it’s about connection. It doesn’t mean you’re higher qualit...

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Opinion: How do you gain buy-in and a consensus for change?

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In today’s complex, competitive world, it’s no longer sufficient to simply market quality. Gone are the days of relying on traditional marketing tactics or merely promoting the announcement of the arrival of a new sen...

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Opinion: Is there an approach to design that builds brand loyalty

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As a creative director in the current climate, you’re expected to produce strategically-led design. FutureBrand clients tend to be the major players in their field, often with well-established, recognisable identities...

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