Examining sporting successes and failures, Philip Davies talks about the importance of leadership, cohesiveness and clear objectives when building a brand Anyone unlu...
Opinion: What's in a word?
Is owning one word the new litmus test for a good brand? Joe Hewitt discusses Specsaver’s recent trademarking win and explains when brands should – and shouldn’t– take a one-word approach to verbal identity....
Whisky branding, distilled
London has long been a gin city; an ale city. It wasn’t until 1964 that it started on its way to becoming a whisky city. Despite the vast network of whisky distilleries scattered throughout the British Isles, London i...
Hygge season
Safe and familiar yet delightfully kitsch, Denmark presents an aspirational foreign identity of the Nordic block to visitors from across the globe. Despite the often...
#TransformTuesday: 8 November
Every week, Transform examines recent rebrands and updated visual identities. This week's picks are below. For more from #TransformTuesday, follow @Transformsays...
An exercise in unbranding
Situated in north London, between the terraced mews of Highgate and transport hubs of Kings Cross and Euston, sits Camden. Culturally significant with a famous art, music and nightlife scene, Camden has boasted some o...
Brand in action: Mastercard
Playing your cards right Who: Mastercard What: It’s iconic. It’s priceless. It’s Mastercard, only it’s no longer just a card. One of the world’s biggest and most well...
Place branding: Lagos, Nigeria
The Nigerian boomtown of Lagos located on the Gulf of Guinea is fast becoming the economic and cultural hub of west Africa. Has the city’s massive growth hindered its ability to develop a consistent, cohesive nation b...
Brand experience: Airbus Group
Airbus Group’s Experience Center is the highlight of its new Washington, D.C. office. The technology-driven space focuses on the key characteristic defining the brand – its connection to the sky. Brittany Golob examin...
Conference and awards recognise best in employer brand management
An organisation can guide and position its own reputation, but it does not own it. Ownership is bestowed to an organisation by its stakeholders – including its customers, investors, employees and prospective employees...