• Transform magazine
  • March 31, 2025


Wild intentions

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The Zoological Society of London (ZSL), the parent brand for ZSL London Zoo and ZSL Whipsnade Zoo, has undergone a rebrand that it hopes will position it better as the global conservation charity that it is.

The new tagline, ‘Let’s Work for Wildlife’, is part of the new logo and presents a clear brand purpose that goes beyond the UK-based zoos.

ZSL’s previous logo featured typography filled with easily recognisable animal print, the new rendition stems from ZSL’s London Zoo brand, uniting the sub-brands with the overarching brand. The previous tagline, ‘Living Conservation’, has also been dropped for being too unclear in its proposition.

Rich Storton, marketing director at ZSL, says, “The time was right for us to consider how the ZSL brand reflected who we are and our role as a modern conservation charity. ‘Living Conservation’ no longer felt right or active enough to inspire the public. ‘Let’s Work For Wildlife’ is a strong proposition that works harder to raise our profile with the public, whose contributions are so vital to help us create a better future for wildlife.”

Previously, the ZSL brand was somewhat overshadowed by the popular London Zoo brand. The new identity should ensure that ZSL receives recognition for the work it does. Through science and conservation projects ZSL seeks to achieve the worldwide conservation of animals and their habitats. The new brand is intended to drive awareness of the charity and its work, particularly among potential brand partners.

The new ZSL brand was created in collaboration with The Chase agency over a period of 18 months. ZSL has also hired its first ZSL brand manager, Bonnie Marsden, who joined the charity from the BBC last year.