• Transform magazine
  • July 17, 2024



Insights: Evolution isn’t news


At the Transform Awards Europe 2018, the best in rebranding and brand development will be celebrated. Weber Shandwick is one of those shortlisted for the awards We ar...

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Insights: Moving markets and perceptions

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At the Transform Awards Europe 2018, the best in rebranding and brand development will be celebrated. TP ICAP is one of those shortlisted for the awards Creating a ne...

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Insights: Managing tech-driven brands in the tech-driven era

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At the Transform Awards Europe 2018, the best in rebranding and brand development will be celebrated. Brand communications agency Frank, Bright & Abel is one of those shortlisted for the awards...

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Opinion: Don't wait to rebrand


Right now, it might seem like a bad idea to rebrand. But organisations have a lot to gain from taking risks and adapting to rapidly changing customer demands. What can a rebrand offer your organisation, inside and out...

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Insights: Swords, pigs and pesticides

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At the Transform Awards Europe 2018, the best in rebranding and brand development will be celebrated. Brand communications agency We Launch is one of those shortlisted for the awards...

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Opinion: The challenger mentality

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Shifts in the retail landscape see former category-leading retailers stagnate in the face of vibrant, disruptive brands. How can established brands learn from this challenger mentality and deliver something new to the...

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Opinion: Your brand and voice

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As the trend for voice-activated purchasing grows, brands must prepare for change. Marcel Kornblum examines the opportunity voice technology lends to brand managers, across all sectors...

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Opinion: Rebranding the retirement sector

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With the retirement housing sector the preserve of stale branding and lacklustre design, developers fail to capture the attention of a lucrative demographic. Mark Davis examines how retirement housing can address its...

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Formula for the future

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‘Future-Proof Your Brand’ was launched in July this year during the annual summit of the European Association of Communication Directors. Authors Laurens Hoekstra and Marc Cloosterman have laid out their unique approa...

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Brand in action: Spyscape

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Uncovering an undercover world Who: Spyscape and SomeOne What: From December 2017, midtown Manhattan will be the new home of Spyscape. The 60,000 sq ft museum, whose...

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